
#155 Form

Playing with software, led to space age graphics, which were sort of pretty, with not much feel, I made my mark on it. I like my heavy pencil hand here.

Here is the image I began with, but will not post it in the gallery.

photoshop stuff


Buy this print

This print is in a limited edition of 25 Giclée prints on A4, 21 cm x 29.7 cm archival paper. The image size is 17.5 cm x 17.5 cm. The next available print is: 1/25


Link here and in the Web Gallery – Chosen by the person who buys the first print in the edition.

Top ten images in the world?

There are some images that are totally famous for ever. At the top of the list? It has to be the the Mona Lisa. What’s Next? Marilyn Monroe with her skirt blowing? The Scream? Vincent’s Sunflowers? Andy Warhol’s Soup-can or perhaps his Micky Mouse. Ansel Adams? Amazing stuff. What belongs on that list? What are the top ten most famous iconic and best loved images?

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Funnily enough I become fond of prints through exposure to them. I have some on the wall here at home that came from my family home & I love them. Perhaps those images became iconic in part because they are so famous, once the cycle starts can’t be stopped. There is a complex element of genius, innovation, drama, and timeliness that kicks off the cycle.

And I become more fond of the images I put up here over time, they become familiar if not better. But I’ll make another post about faves here.

Mona Lisa






#154 Fabulous

Did this while demonstrating how I do pencil sketches on the Tablet. So here it is.


Buy this print

This print is in a limited edition of 25 Giclée prints on A4, 21 cm x 29.7 cm archival paper. The image size is 17.5 cm x 12.5 cm. The next available print is: 1/25


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#153 Hills

This was one that goes with the Hill Lines ones I did a while back. I thought I’d posted it but hadn’t. Here it is belatedly.


Buy this print

This print is in a limited edition of 25 Giclée prints on A3+, 33 cm x 48 cm archival paper. The image size is 28 cm x 28 cm. The next available print is: 1/25


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Moonlight Flax

#0152 Moonlight Flax

A beautiful walk in the moonlight inspired me to express myself and led to a lot of sketches – only this one is one I want to post. It captures the moment I think. The “paper” colour adds an effect that I think of as “cycloramic” and I created a gradient of colour darker at the top in Photoshop, it looked ok, but I think it does not need that. Keep it simple.


Thousand Sketches Talk

At the launch I realised I like talking about this project. It energises me and it was great to see how people were enthused by it. I heard others thinking about what the “Project” might be in their life. People asked good questions !

I am happy to do talks! I can show prints and project the images.

Sugar & Shadow

I don’t have a batch of sketches – and I think I need to post the one or two I have. But the process is quite laborious and much the same for 1 as for 100.

I think I’ll leave the “Gallery” for later & just do a few blog posts.

So much gets in the way of simply doing sketches. No, even when I do them, and I have done a lot this week, so much gets in the way of of posting them up. Hmmm, one thing gets in the way: I don’t like them!

I will be posting some, and not others… and I am not going to judge here in public what I like & don’t like. There are some I do like, & there are plenty I simply won’t post.


I’d like more depth. Yet I love that donut!

I wonder what that means? A sweet trivial bad for you little fun thing like a donut is OK by me, yet I want more depth. There is a lot of depth in that donut! It is a good case of the medium being the muse… and now its asks the obvious question, is my saccharine unconscious having a part in it, wanting to avoid the shadows? Of course it does.

OK, coming up is “Flax in moonlight” so there is a bit of darkness there.


Where is the miracle? I think it is not something to find in sketch 1000, the gold at the end of the alchemical rainbow. It is here now, it is in the eye of the beholder. It is all in the the “warm up”.

It is in the allowing of whatever is in me to emerge. Can I do that?