Vitamin D

Vitamin D


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I got this book when at sketch 40/1000. I wrote then, but had no time to post: “This will change things… not just this book but I am hungry and lapping up exhibitions, books, websites and conversations. My mind is bursting.”

I have been reflecting on a lot in the intro, a great overview of sketching.  I am absorbing it all. Not so over full right now, just feeling it all digest.  Become part of me.

Like sunshine.

Julia Morison exhibition in Christchurch

I have been looking at exhibitions and loving the depth revealed when we see the few works shown from many years of delving into thematic material. The Julia Morison exhibition in Christchurch at the moment is a good example.

a loop around a loop


The title says it all, a theme of themes all linked with symbols she has been working with for years. I loved her work, and I think it is great.

My problems with the “variety” (mess I call it) in my project came up when I saw her work. Is that ok? I am, more and more, with what it is. Here my work with the psyche stands me in good stead. The psyche is messy. I am revealing my messy psyche as it unfolds. It is the exposure of it all that is unnerving, sketches are what they are, they just pop out, they are evolving. I am curious where they will take me, they are taking me!

Continue reading “Julia Morison exhibition in Christchurch”



#59 Blacker

After #58 I realised I was feeling in a darker mood. I went for it with this one using the virtual pallet knife. As dark as I went there was a deep inner glow, which mirrored one I felt as well. Very reassuring.

Later: As I add this note 2 months later this one reassures me. I continue to hear from people how this is a favourite.


Available in a limited edition of 25 prints, pigment ink on archival paper.

This print is available exclusively through the Allen Gallery in Chelsea New York. If you would like to purchase a print please contact Michel Allen.


See prints from the Thousand Sketches exclusive to the Allen Gallery


57 Sketches

And a lot of variety.

Some new themes emerging today. This is a fertile time my head is buzzing, with feelings, ideas about sketching, big questions. What is the psyche & what is at work here. What is modern, post-modern and how do I deal with all these feelings of passion, fear confusion & doubt. Love too – loving the conversations with Kate – challenging though they can be. Other questions too: what is a sketch? What is a line, what is a “canvas”. The variety in the sketches is also in me. The variety annoys me. I just made a thumbnail page and I see no focus there. And as this post shows, I can’t get focussed right now. Let me say more.

Click image to go to the Buzzing image on the Thousand Sketches site

#58 Buzzing

I said it – partially in the sketch – I just did it thinking of ketchup – or tomato sauce as we tend to call it down under. Felt frustrated in the digital media for the first time. I wanted to get into the mucking about with messy paint!

What is the main thing:

That this project has a life of its own, and that it is asking a lot of me. I feel burdened by it. I feel exposed.

Kate in the conversations today was optimistic. I am being called out to come to terms with all this and so be my true self more. Just as the project asks to have its true life. There is a symbyosis, I am more myself as the project finds its true self.

I hope so, but I don’t feel it. One thing is for sure, I feel gripped by this thing.

More from the conversation today: No focus on the outcome, if shit or gold are both gold, that seemed like a good stance I’d found. Then Kate said: that is just a way of coping with your fear.

Now I feel moody.


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