
#0450 Circle
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This one is the last of the dozen “unnamed” ones, and I just named it, it is unnamed no longer. After doing these circles I went back and deleted some of the layers, and I prefer the minimalism than the tones in the previous one. What do you think?

Have I posted the “emerge and enhance” post… don’t think so, will do so. That is what is happening here I doodle & let something emerge & then enhance it. I think of it as nature & human collaboration.

It is not just that this doodle was enhanced (on this occasion by deletion!), something in me that is more than 5 decades old that is being noticed & enhanced. See “Montessori

Circle: wholeness, unity, eternity, world, earth, globe, fullness, emptiness, connected, crucible, completion …


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This circle is featured in the June 2008 Walter Logeman: Gallery

Unnamed – #446

#446 Unnamed
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This is the first image since the “Reflections” series that I have used the “effects” type of processing built into the software I use. It sort of happened while searching for texture, I was looking for a way of making paper with a handmade feel, but made this fantasy space world instead. Not really my thing, but here it is.


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Unnamed #440

#440 Unnamed
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A dozen images follow that I will leave “Unnamed” for now, I might name some or others might find a name somehow.

I am interested in naming. Sometimes I do it more in the sense of “working titles”, to save the file & make it easier to find. Not that is not the same as giving it a name, and I will have no compunction about retrospectively naming images. Not ones that are already in an edition though.


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